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Research Fellow in Molecular Nutrition
University of Leeds
Job Description
Are you an ambitious researcher looking for your next challenge? Do you have a background in molecular/cell biology and bioinformatics? Do you want to further your career in one of the UK’s leading research intensive universities?
You will make a significant contribution to work being carried out to advance the understanding of molecular nutrition in the context of breast cancer. Working within a research team led by Dr James Thorne and supported by funding from the World Cancer Research Fund, you will show initiative in learning, refining and developing relevant experimental techniques, generating ideas, proposing hypotheses and solving practical and intellectual problems.
You will have a PhD and post-doctoral experience in a molecular biology related discipline, a strong background in molecular and cell biology, with coding experience. You will also have a positive approach to collaborative research and the drive to make a significant contribution to this area of research.
To explore the post further or for any queries you may have, please contact:
Dr James Thorne, Associate Professor of Nutrition and Epigenetics
Email: j.l.thorne@leeds.ac.uk