美国新墨西哥大学(The University of New Mexico),简称“UNM”,是历史悠久的世界顶尖公立研究型大学,美国著名高等学府,主校区位于美国新墨西哥州第一大城市阿尔伯克基,也是中国教育部首批认可推荐的美国百年名校,始建于1889年,迄今已有131年的历史。普林斯顿评论(Princeton Review)评选新墨西哥大学为全美最杰出的研究型大学之一。新墨西哥大学是美国50所旗舰大学之一。学校设有101个本科专业、81个硕士专业,及47个博士专业,涵盖各个学科,是新墨西哥州最大的高等学府。
A Postdoc of Genomics, Genetics, and Vector Biology
University of New Mexico - Genomics, Genetics, and Vector Biology
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Based on experience
Closing date
5 Feb 2024
Life Science
Job Type
Employment - Hours
Full time
Fixed term
A postdoctoral position is currently available at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. The successful candidate will work on a NIH-funded, internationally collaborative project. The objective of the project is to use our newly developed genetic model and recently generated genomic resources to understand molecular mechanisms underlying schistosome resistance in schistosomiasis vector snails of the genera Biomphalaria and Bulinus. The long-term goal of the project is to developed snail-targeted, genetic programs for control of schistosomiasis, a parasitic disease that afflicts more than 200 million people in the world. An interdisciplinary approach, including genomics, genetics, and immunology, will be applied. The idea candidate is a highly motivated, self-disciplined individual who can work independently.
Minimum Qualifications:
Ph.D. in Biology or a related field.
Preferred Qualifications:
Familiar with multi-OMIC data analysis (basic bioinformatic skills).
Experience with molecular and cell biology technologies.
Excellent written and verbal communication (English).
Good knowledge in genetics, genomics, immunology, and molecular biology.
Experience with schistosomiasis, schistosomes and their vector snails preferred, but not required.
Application Instructions:
The position is available for one year with the possibility of renewal (up to 2-3 years), depending on satisfactory performance. Salary is commensurate with experience. Application materials consisting of a cover letter, CV, and the names of three references, should be emailed to Dr. Si-Ming Zhang (zhangsm@unm.edu).