加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校(University of California,Los Angeles),简称UCLA,是位于美国洛杉矶的公立综合性研究型大学,是环太平洋大学联盟和国际公立大学论坛成员,被誉为“公立常春藤”。2021年,该校入选了英国政府“高潜力人才签证计划”。
STROBE Postdoctoral Fellow
Job Description
The University of California at Los Angeles and the STROBE NSF Science & Technology Center invite applications for a STROBE Postdoctoral Fellow position in atomic electron tomography, coherent diffractive imaging (CDI), and/or ptychography.
The successful candidate will have the opportunity to utilize state-of-the-art electron microscopes and coherent X-ray sources to study quantum, energy, disordered, and biological materials. Preferred qualifications include: experience in S/TEM, CDI/ptychography, computational methods, phase retrieval, X-ray/electron imaging/diffraction, or materials characterization. However, candidates with a strong background in related areas are also welcome to apply. Applicants should submit a CV and a list of publications to Prof. John Miao at j.miao@ucla.edu. For more information, please visit www.physics.ucla.edu/research/imaging.